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Pet Patrol has many places and circumstances that the cats in our care come from. Some
are in need of being rehomed, some are lost without a microchip to identify them, babies born
outside others are abandoned by their owners, A woman who had rescued cats in her area in
the past, and brought them to Pet Patrol, has the same situation happening again. “We have
a stray mother cat with six kittens and although I’m not good with age, they are still nursing but
eating solid food. Some are orange and one is grey. They spend their mornings at my
neighbor’s home, playing on the deck and sleeping under it at night . Do you have room for
them?” After some guidance about how to best rescue them and what to feed them she
quickly brought them into her house. She graciously offered to foster the kittens and their
mom in her home until they were ready for adoption. She found a home for two kittens, together
with another neighbour and the others were brought inside for safety and socializing


Roscoe is smaller than his siblings and a sweet quiet little guy. He is one of four boys in this
litter which is a bit unusual as most litters have at least one of the opposite sex. He is affectionate
with this siblings and mom, and likes to be held and picked up by his people. He will
watch the action developing with his siblings and will join in for a run around the room, playing
Peek a Boo in a cardboard box and chasing after toys that jingle or crinkle. He is quite adorable.
Rosco is ready to be adopted into a quiet home with a sibling or playmate. One that will
welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979