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Here is the message sent to Pet Patrol by a former foster home : I’m sending you what the
adopter and her son sent me “My son got the cat, Iko, when he was already separated from
his wife and living back home with me. His former wife was not able to care for him and he
was welcomed into my home. He is a gorgeous cat but since my son has moved out I am not
able to take care of him as he is not good with women. We don’t really understand why but he
is much better in a home with just men. My son is Iko’s second owner, and we think something happened in the original home after the husband moved back to their country. It is just a
guess but we can’t figure out the reason.” Iko is now in a foster home with a man and his son
and doing extremely well.


Iko is a fun loving, affectionate and sweet cat. His absolute favourite thing besides sleep and
canned food is playing fetch with an aluminum foil ball. Like all cats he likes to bask in the sun
coming in through the big windows, watching the country view he presently has, the wild life
and visitors coming to the house. Iko is very cuddly and will crawl under the covers to sleep
with you at night and presently has a young boy to watch videos with. Iko is ready to be
adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him
safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979