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Lennon was a very small and unsure kitten who was found outside all alone. A woman who
lives on the edge of the city called to say she had been feeding a mother cat for a few years
now, and every year she gave birth to kittens. Some did not thrive, some were rescued by
neighbours and others grew up outside and migrated to other areas. Not wanting to have to
deal with unwanted kittens twice yearly any more she reached out to Pet Patrol in hopes of
having them all rescued. During the initial conversation the woman wavered and thought that
the kittens looked like they were having so much fun playing in her garden that they shouldn’t
be disturbed. Problem is, they will begin to breed by the end of the summer and now there will
be as many as eighteen kittens born by next year. That is a colony, and no one wanted that.
Finally convinced that it is the humane thing to do, she brought little Lennon into the sanctuary
within a few days. She will continue to try and rescue the mother cat, have her spayed and
keep her for herself and find the rest of Lennon’s litter mates as well.


Lennon is a very sweet and quiet boy, always exploring and finding new things to get into. He
was very shy at first and took a little while to warm up to new people, but once you earn his
trust he is an absolute sweetheart. Just give him a few chin scratches and he will lean into
them and start purring in no time! He also adores belly rubs and will flop over on his side to
receive them. He rewards you with the loudest “thank you!” purrs as you stroke his tummy
gently. Lennon is not a fan of loud noises, and would prefer a quieter home where he can play
and snuggle all day long. He loves games of hide and seek in his tent with the other foster
kittens, and would be happy to join a family with another cat to keep him company. He is also
good with dogs and even lets the resident dog in his foster home groom him occasionally, but
he prefers to have play time with his people or other cats. Lennon is ready to be adopted into
a forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979