Kali and her house mate Patches were adopted when they were young kittens and lived happily
with their owner. She was a very nice person and took care of her cats well, loved them
and they thrived in her care. There was never any intention of re homing them but life can send
us a curve ball sometimes and this is what happened in this case. We don’t have all the details,
but their owner is now waiting for an organ transplant and her life has been turned upside
down. She and her husband have started to severely down size their hobby farm, finding
homes for the animals, as she can no longer care for them. They were her world. The husband
works away from home all week and is unable to help. Kali and Patches were her indoor
cats and she could not find a home for them on her own. Her friend offered to take them
into her horse barn, a safe environment but hot and stinky. The cats were terrified. It was
obvious that they needed a house and a home. The woman called Pet Patrol and we were
able to bring both girls into our care, into a foster home and we have been very happy at their
progress. They are now relaxed and feeling at home again
Kali has come a long way since coming into Pet Patrol care. When found in the barn she was
very distraught and did not want anyone to touch her. Instead of being housed in the tack room
or supply room, she and her housemate were in separate cages, in a horse stall, on the floor
with no blanket covering the cage or providing comfort. It was a sad sight. Pet Patrol has
support from a lot of other professionals, besides veterinarians, and Kali was seen by an
animal chiropractor. That did the trick! She was soon feeling much better and now will rub up
against your legs for attention, bunt her head into your hand for a good ear rub and purrs with
delight. Kali is now ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome her into
the family and keep her safely indoors