“They are in my window well and I’m not sure what to do!” This was the message that was left
for Pet Patrol in regards to Lily and her feline family of kittens. The woman owned a home just
off of a very busy street and she discovered Lily in her window well. Looking closely she discovered
little kittens. Lily seemed quite content to be there and it was a safe place because
the little ones could not crawl away from the nest, however it was not very hospitable for them
to grow up in. There were rocks, dirt and debris in there. To provide comfort the woman put a
towel in there to cover anything that could harm them. She contacted Pet Patrol and a rescue
plan was put in place. A storm was forecast for the next night, absolute terrible downpour, cold
weather and high winds would hit the area so the woman gathered up the kittens and put them
in a cat carrier. She immediately set up a humane trap right by the window well and Lily went
right in for the food, an instant later the door shut safely behind her and she was saved. Lily
was very happy to be reunited with her kittens and once settle into their foster home the purring
could be heard from all.
Little Gord was one of those kittens. He is a very lovable kitten who enjoys exploring and playing.
He will come running to the door when he hears someone coming, enjoys being picked up
and being petted especially on his face. Like all kittens he is very playful with kitty toys such as
crinkle balls, those with bells and little mice. Toys that he can chase are his favourite. Easy to
pick up Gord likes to be on his back, cradled in your arms and having his tummy rubbed. He
is a very sweet boy. This little cutie is ready to be adopted into his forever home where there is
a playmate. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors