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Millie’s entire family, mom, dad, children and pet dog stood outside the house as they watched
her and her three tiny kittens be loaded into a Pet Patrol Volunteers car and taken to their new
foster home. Millie was a much loved member of the family. They had owned her since she
was a kitten but unfortunately, they did not get her spayed. They were able to stop her from
having a litter by keeping her indoors until recently when she got out of the house. There would
have still been time to have her spayed but unfortunately the finances weren’t there because
the family were in the process of packing up and moving across country. They couldn’t see
themselves packed into a car with three children, the dog and Millie with her three kittens.
Days and days of driving would not have suited these wee ones. The family could hardly get
the words out to say goodbye to her, tears were streaming down their faces. A very sad story.


From what we know of Millie, she is a lovely cat. She had lived with her family for at least three
years, understanding was she came to them as a kitten. She was an active part of the family,
popping up onto their laps to watch TV, helping with homework and being attentive and loving
towards everyone. A very special family cat who deserves a forever home that loves her as
much as her original owners did. Millie is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that
will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979