Rachel & Rufus

Rachel & Rufus

Rachel & Rufus

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Rachael and Rufus’ mom was named Reba, and she was a street cat who just showed up one
day last summer. She took up living on the back deck of a country home, finding shelter underneath it and eventually her first litter of kittens was born under there as well. Not being fixed
by the people who fed her, Reba had a second litter of four babies (Rachael & Rufus included)
during the snow storm at the end of March. By this time, they had provided her with a heated
cat house and heard the wee peeps of babies. Thinking it is not the best weather to have
kittens outside, and after not sleeping all night worrying about them, the woman moved the
babies into a box and then took Reba into spare room in the house. Reba was concerned
until she saw her kittens and then settled right in. They were raised indoors with people who
loved them showed them tender loving care and had lots of play time.


Rachael is a dainty, princess who sometimes finds her own space to observe the antics of her
siblings or activities of the house, but she is sweet and plays well with them. She is very clever
and interested in new things, not afraid to tap a new toy and figure out what it is supposed to
do. Rufus was born with a swagger. He is described as a “dude”. First to venture out of the
birthing box, first to check out everything in the room and first to recognize people as
caregivers and cuddlers. He comes running to his people for attention and readily climbs up
into your lap to snuggle in. Both kitties chase toys, jump at those that dangle and are quite
curious of the birds and squirrels outside, observing from the safety of the cat tree. They are
cuddly and affectionate and don’t mind being cradled in your arms like a baby. Adorable.
Rachael and Rufus are ready to be adopted into their forever home. One that will welcome
them into the family together and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979