Cat Stevens

Cat Stevens

Cat Stevens

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There are so many cats out there that are lost, not spayed or neutered and have no ID on them.
No collar and tag and no microchip. They have wandered away from their home, sometimes
traveling up to five miles a day to find a mate, and by then they are desperately lost. One night of
fun has ended up with heartache, fear, starvation and the threat of becoming prey. It is terribly
sad for these cats to now be faced with such uncertainty. Cat Stevens was named by the people
who finally took the lead and rescued him. He had been wandering around a neighbourhood for
about three months, most of the summer, and since he was a friendly cat he was fed, show attention and allowed to lay on their deck or retreat from the hot sun in the bushes. Only this couple,
after a lengthy search for this cat on social media Lost Cat sites, took it upon themselves to see
that he is safe. They were able to house him for a while and then he came into Pet Patrol care.


Cat Stevens has proven to be a wonderful, affectionate and easy going boy. He has integrated
into the sanctuary life style without incident and gets along well with the other cats. We have not
noticed him with one cat in particular as a buddy, as he seems to be more focused on people as
his source of love and attention. He is playful and likes interactive toys with the volunteers. Wand
toys, laser pen light and tossing a crinkle ball for him to bat around. We are sure he will be able
to charm anyone who adopts him and they can create games of their own. He is fine as a single
cat as well. Cat Steven is ready to be adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him
into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979