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A voice message was left on the Pet Patrol line from a woman who was quite concerned
about a mother cat and her five kittens. This pretty white and black girl had been finding shelter under the neighbours deck for the last year, where she had a litter late last fall. This neighbour didn’t care if the cats housed themselves on his property but he would not feed them and
refused to rescue this little feline family. So the woman started feeding them, rescued the
kittens and re homed them, but mom was left outside with one remaining kitty for the winter.
Now with a new litter of kittens born at the end of March, the woman felt it was time to take in
all the cats and make sure the cycle of reproduction and unwanted kittens stopped. They
enticed the momma and her kittens to come into their sun room to be fed, tied a cord to the
entrance door, and pulled it shut when the cats were inside. Soon they were all safely in Pet
Patrol care. (A neighbour has adopted the remaining kitten that was born last fall )


Poppy is a very confident little girl. She loves to play and climb. She has the loudest purr and
will curl up on your lap when she is tired. She is quite chatty and she will greet you with a loud
chirp when you come in the door. She loves chasing balls and wrestling with her little stuffies.
Poppy would do best in a home with another playful cat who will run and chase and wrestle.
She is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome her into the family
and keep her safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979