Boey & Bobby

Boey & Bobby

Boey & Bobby

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Boey & Bobby have been cared for by someone but not allowed to live in the house fulltime. They are best buddies, inseparable and seek each other out all the time. They have
lived in a low income apartment complex for quite a few years and kept the mice from the
surrounding fields at bay. Although residents watched out for the cats it was just one
woman, who lives on the second floor of one of the buildings who provided the necessities
of life for them. She had a heated cat house, heated water bowl and plenty of food on her
balcony, and the cats are very cozy and warm in there even in the worst of weather. Initially
the cats did not welcome attempts to pet them. Now they are petable and have been
coming into her apartment for the evenings for quite some time. Things change in life and
the woman is moving, the apartment building is being sold and all tenants have to leave so
they can do renovations. She has moved far away so it was time for Boey and Bobby to
come in to Pet Patrol care where they can find someone who will love them just as much.


Boey and Bobby love pets, being brushed and having chin scratches and ear rubs. They
are laid back and casual but also very playful and like to have toys and running around
after them. The boys are usually not far from each other and will curl up together and look
out for each other as well. They are very good with people once they feel comfortable and
at home, Bobby especially can be picked up and cradled, Boey is not used to that just yet..
Boey and Bobby are now ready to be adopted into their forever home together. One that
will welcome them into the family and keep them safely and doors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979