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A couple who were living in a seasonal cottage area were out on a bike ride one very cool and
overcast day. They noticed that there were a lot of young cats on one property in particular.
The property was a little unkept, with many bushes and taller weeds, and some of the cats
were found under these clumps seeking refuge from the wind. The woman riding by was quite
concerned with the alarming number of cats and wondered how they would survive with winter
coming. Other than the house, there appeared to be only a shed on the property for the cats to
seek out shelter. She left the owner a note on the door, and he called her saying he would
appreciate any help in re-homing as many of the cats as possible. He was quite overwhelmed.
In the mean time the woman had sent a message to a local resident who had helped with cat
rescue in the past, and together they went to scope out the situation. They found fifteen cats in
total, of various colours and most were very sweet, friendly and young. They were fed well and
the man had tried to socialize them to ensure that new homes could be found for them. All the
cats were quite nice and willing to be picked up and pet. The man chose to keep a few of the
cats, and these have been spayed or neutered and have access in and out of the building.


Taya and her brother Tony are one of the most tightly bonded pairs we’ve ever fostered. They are
most often found curled up together snuggling. They have settled into their foster home and are
curious and like to roam around. Taya is very sweet little kitten. She’s curious and sassy and
always leads the way with Tony into any new space or toy. She likes to curl up near you and be
pet and is learning about being carried around. When she’s relaxed she will sprawl out beside
you with her belly up. Tony is more than happy to let Taya lead the way, he’s definitely cautious
likes to play with toys. Similar to Taya, Tony likes to be pet and learning about being picked up
and carried, he’s happy to be with you and has a lovely little purr. They are ready to be adopted
into their forever home together. One that will welcome them into the family and keep them safely

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979