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Pet Patrol received a message from a couple who are looking for some assistance in placing
their elderly father’s cat. Her name was Oreo, described as quite cute and was given to the
gentleman to keep him company. It is usually not recommended that active and full of life little
cats be placed with seniors because of risks of getting under their feet, scratching up furniture,
and scratching them as well. But also looking at longevity the kitty will more than likely outlive
the owner’s ability to look after the cat. They family was quite happy to hear about Pet Patrol
and that we were able to take her in. They said she was up on her vaccinations and spayed.
When at the vet clinic to receive her microchip Pet Patrol asked for them to shave her belly
and check for a spay scar – yes there was one. However five weeks later, to everyone’s surprise, she gave birth to five little babies, Oblea being one of them. All have their mothers
sweet personality and have been raised in a loving and gentle environment.


Pet Patrol received a message from a couple who are looking for some assistance in placing
their elderly father’s cat. Her name was Oreo, described as quite cute and was given to the
gentleman to keep him company. It is usually not recommended that active and full of life little
cats be placed with seniors because of risks of getting under their feet, scratching up furniture,
and scratching them as well. But also looking at longevity the kitty will more than likely outlive
the owner’s ability to look after the cat. They family was quite happy to hear about Pet Patrol
and that we were able to take her in. They said she was up on her vaccinations and spayed.
When at the vet clinic to receive her microchip Pet Patrol asked for them to shave her belly
and check for a spay scar – yes there was one. However five weeks later, to everyone’s surprise, she gave birth to five little babies, Oblea being one of them. All have their mothers
sweet personality and have been raised in a loving and gentle environment.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979