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A woman who lives in a small town, about 20 minutes off the main highway, has rescued many
cats over the years. Because this town only has three or four streets, the cats that are coming
in from the local farms wander through the town and are noticed. Food and water is put out for
them, and in some places there is shelter as well. One day, a little cat, now known as Sunshine, appeared on the woman’s property. It was late at night and the weather was starting to
turn colder as fall was approaching. Little Sunshine was asking for help. She sat a distance
from the woman to start, stared at her and then started to meow. If a cat is purely feral, they
don’t know to ask people for help, so for the kitty to be talking to a person is definitely communication. Sunshine was very easily brought into Pet Patrol care and immediately started eating
and showing us her wonderful happy-go-lucky self. Her sweet, sunny disposition helped create
her name.


This pretty girls has such a sunny disposition that we couldn’t pass up naming her accordingly.
She is such a nice cat and likes to be with her people and other kitties as well. She is often
found curled up to someone for a nice afternoon nap, or at bedtime and she enjoys all the
affection that is doted on her. In return she purrs deeply, smiles broadly and is quite happy to
be cuddled and carried around. Sunshine also loves to play with toys and is part of the laser
pen light chase and batting at the wand toy. She is now ready to be adopted into her forever
home. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979