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Suddenly, one afternoon in the fall, there was a knock at the door of the sanctuary. A young
woman had brought us four little kittens who were just three weeks of age in a cardboard box.
Three black and one little gray. Where is your mom? As she explained, they belonged to a cat
named Kitty Kitty who they have been feeding but she had rejected them. Apparently, the
kittens were born under a deck, but this momma cat moved them to the neighbours’ barn
where they would have more warmth and be out of the cold. The people at that farm discovered them and did not want her there and asked her owners to come and take them back.
Knowing that mother cats will follow her kittens anywhere they retrieved the babies and put
them back underneath the deck again. But unfortunately, Kitty Kitty did not want them. The
kittens were outside for an entire night by themselves and in the morning the owners knew they
had to do more. They bundled them up in a cardboard box and showed up at the sanctuary
door unannounced. Of course, we could not say no, but they were too young to eat on their
own and needed a surrogate mom which luckily, we had. All four have thrived in our care.


Garlic is a friendly little one who is happy to play with the plastic spring toy and will bat it around,
chase it and then carry it in her mouth around the house. So cute. She is an affectionate and
cuddly cat who is quite used to being picked up and carried by her care givers, purring happily. Not much of a talker but she will let you know when she wants to be on your lap just by the
sweet look on her face. Garlic is happy to be with her siblings and be part of the Indy 500
through the living room, games of Pounce and Tussle, and if you put a toy in a cardboard box,
like any cat, she thinks it is the best thing ever. Garlic is ready to be adopted into her forever
home with a s sibling or playmate. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her
safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979