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An elderly couple, who had adopted an elderly cat from Pet Patrol, and often commented ofn how
well the cat fits into their home, found little Eden outside. She was coming up to the back door,
wanting in as the weather was threatening snow and temperatures would be dipping down to
zero. Unbeknownst to them at the time the neighbour was feeding her, but no one was willing
to take her into care. When they called Pet Patrol, we suggested they bring her into the house
for safety and warmth. They were hesitant but ultimately put her in the garage where it was
warm and they provided her with food, water, litter box, and a nice bed. She was calm and
content. The next day they brought her to Pet Patrol because initially they thought she was a
neutered male and wanted to check for a microchip. Once here we realized that this lovely
girl, patient and kind, was a nice little female cat with no identification and lactating. She had
kitten somewhere. Returning home the neighbourhood children quietly searched for the babies and they were under the neighbours deck. Soon Eden was reunited with her babies and
all are thriving in our care.


Eden has been a sweet natured cat from the very beginning. An original owner has never
been found and it is presumed she was abandoned. She is an exceptional cat and can be
pet, picked up and cuddled. She loves the attention and in return till purr deeply and give you
such nice kitty smiles to melt your heart. Eden has begun to explore toys now that her
kittens are weaned and is having a great time discovering catnip mice, the kitty tunnel and
viewing the room and world outside from the high perches of the cat tree. She has done fine
with the other cats here at the sanctuary and new people. Eden is ready to be adopted into
her forever home. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979