Henry & Haley

Henry & Haley

Henry & Haley

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From Henna’s rescuer: I’ve rescued many stray cats and have a feeding station and winterized
shelter for any cat that needs it. I noticed Henna as I was pulling into my driveway and beside
her was one of her two kittens, they scooted away, but I knew I had to help them. Later that
night I looked outside and saw something on the back deck, clicked on the light and lo and
behold there were two kittens staring back at me. I immediately set up the humane traps and
patiently waited for them to go in after the stinky cat food provided. Within a half hour Henna
was rescued with one of her kittens at the same time. Now I was concerned for the other baby
outside by itself. I set Henna back outside in her carrier and she called for her kitten to come
out. The kitten had to go through the humane trap, like a tunnel, to get to Henna. It worked; the
baby was in the trap and onto safety and into Pet Patrol care. I think Henna may have come
from a barn up the road where none of the cats are spayed or neutered.


Haley is a very outgoing and friendly kitty. She loves to be involved in everything that you are
doing (reading a book, tidying up, cleaning the litter box). She has the attention span of a
butterfly: playing with toys, pouncing on her brother, snuggling in your lap all in the same
minute. She is fine to be picked up but is too busy to be held for long. Her favourite plaything is
you: your feet/hair/glasses/hoodie strings. Henry arrived quite timid, but is now affectionate
with his foster mom and starting to be okay with multiple people. He comes for scratches and
as long as there are no sudden movements, he is happy to rub up against your legs and be
pet. Henry can be picked up and put on the counter and he LOVES treats and wet food which
are good opportunities to show him affection. Haley and Henry are a bonded pair who like to
snuggle together or chase each other around. They love playing with anything that will move
across the floor: balls, springs, fluffs. They are ready to be adopted into a quiet forever home.
One that will allow them the time and patience to adapt and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979