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A text message came in from a volunteer who has fostered for Pet Patrol for a number of
years. “These are two beautiful house cats that have been dropped off on a Mennonite farm.
The farm family have posted them on social media, but I’m asking if Pet Patrol can take them
in instead. They are not used to the farm life and are not spayed or neutered yet. ” She went
to the property to see the cats herself and when she arrived at the property the children were
holding the cats in their arms showing how friendly they are. However, the entrance of so
many people all at once spooked one of the kitties and it ran. She was able to get Jake into
the carrier, easily, but after looking for quite some time for the other cat, with no luck, she
decided to head to the sanctuary. The next day, when things were quiet in the barn, the family
gathered up the other kitty Jonah. When a Pet Patrol volunteer arrived to pick him up, she
discovered that there were actually two cats, squished into one small carrier. Jonah and
Jewell were packed in pretty cozy like and it is thankful that they get along. The trip to the
sanctuary was pleasant with purring as the two cats, being chilled to the bone from the cement
barn, were happy for the warmth of the car.


Jewell is a pretty sweet cat. As soon as she arrived at the sanctuary she was initially concerned but by the next day she was very relaxed and happy. She is lovely. As a young cat she
is playful and fun loving. She gets along well with all the other cats at the sanctuary. She was
rescued with Jonah and Jake and would be happy to be adopted with either of them, or with
another kitty in her new forever home. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her
safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979