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A young man had sent an email about this little guy Austin and his two siblings, who had
taken refuge under their cars in their driveway. They were three orange kittens and they all
were looking pretty rough. Their coats were dull and being long haired cats they were now
matted with burrs and debris. He and his wife live in a nice town not far from the sanctuary
and behind their home is a public park, river and open space leading to the edge of town
onto the country. It is not uncommon for cats to migrate into the town from neighboring
barns if they are not welcome, not fed enough or unable to find suitable shelter. This may
have been the case for Austin and his young feline family. The couple started feeding
them but none would let themselves be touched or even approached. Eventually they did
rescue all three and a male cat, who they named SUV as that was his only source of shelter for a while. The couple found homes for two of the kittens and Austin came to the
sanctuary. Although wary, he did enjoy being pet and having his neck massaged, especially once he was feeling more comfortable with his drastic, but enjoyable and safe,
change of life style. He is a more content cat now. .


Austin is a light orange short hair kitten who is incredibly shy but also very loving once you
get to know him. Austin is quite timid but loves cuddles and light stokes, he can be picked
up and held but will require a little extra time to warm up. He likes to sleep at the foot of the
bed with his foster mom at night and is more comfortable in the presence of other cats.
Austin is very playful as kittens are at this age, at night and we can often hear him playing
with the other cats. Austin has a minor stomach issue that can sometimes result in soft
stool so needs a little extra attention to his diet.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979