Patrol sanctuary is just a little bit outside of the city and there are farms nearby. It is not uncommon for barn cats to not be spayed or neutered and kittens to be born on a regular basis. the
population is kept fairly low as kittens are handed out to anyone willing to take them. In this
case the family is well-known to Pet Patrol and we have helped with rescuing many of their
cats. But there’s always one that meanders onto the property and gives birth in their barns
because it is quiet and safe. This is where little Sky and her brother Scout came from. They
were found huddled up in a corner of a straw filled bed, cowering from the cold and dampness
of the barn. The people had called because the barn was under renovations and they didn’t
want to see the kittens hurt. Once they were in our care, as fluffy little kittens they would curl up
in a ball and you could barely tell head from tail. In their foster home they’ve done quite well
and are happy to be in a warm, dry and nurturing environment.
Skye is a beautiful little dilute Torti with loads of
personality. She is curious about all toys, though she especially enjoys
chasing the laser light and playing with fuzzy mice. She thinks the
birds outside were put there for her entertainment. She will chirp at
them while watching them out the window. Skye is not yet comfortable
with being picked up, but she will roll over and show you her belly and
she has the cutest tiny meow. She loves to curl up in a warm spot for an
afternoon nap. She gets along with the resident cats and dog at her
foster home, and she would do well in a home with another friendly cat.
Skye is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome
her into the family and keep her safely indoors.