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Stella came into Pet Patrol care with her brother Catterdog. They originally lived with other cats in
a barn, on the very edge of a village. When the barn was torn down and the property redeveloped
into town houses, the cats migrated to the house across the street. There was nowhere else for
them to go. Fortunately, the people took on the responsibility of feeding the homeless cats, but
unfortunately, the house is cluttered and there are a lot of things stored or piled up. The garage is
much the same, dirty and an assortment of bins, shop tools, bags of stuff and keepsakes. It is
open all the time so that stray cats can come in to seek shelter. Sometimes the cats are allowed
in the house, but they would have to be friendly. Stella was one of the lucky ones that came into
the house, however it is our understanding that she was in the basement most of the time. It took
a while for the rescuers to be comfortable with relinquishing her to Pet Patrol but she is now in
our care and doing well.


Stella loves attention from adults, she purrs happily and kneads on you in total contentment. She
will often climb on a person’s shoulder and nudge them, liking the bird’s eye view of the home
and keeping her person under her paws. Sometimes she is not sure, especially in a new environment, sudden movements or if something frightens her, first reaction is to hiss, but that is
completely normal, and soon passes. Stella does not like to be alone or in dark rooms, her
rescuers would leave a small light on for her. She is now ready to be adopted into her
forever home. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979