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Walter was spotted wandering in different places around a small town. It seemed he had been
wandering for a while, outdoors in the harsh winter weather. Despite being quite friendly and
social, Walter had been through a rough time, as could be seen by injuries on his neck. It
appeared he had been in a fight with, or been grabbed by a dog or another animal. Pet Patrol
was contacted by someone concerned about Walter, asking if he could be neutered and
returned to her, but she was not able to let Walter stay in her house and he wandered off.
Another person found him and contacted Pet Patrol, took Walter to the vet where his injuries
were treated, and then brought him into Pet Patrol’s care.


Walter is an outgoing, social and affectionate cat. He is used to living with other cats and fit
right into the sanctuary without incident. He might be good with a gentle dog as well, with a
slow integration, as we don’t know if he has met any before. He likes to investigate every
corner of the playroom to see where things are, what toys we have and what is the view out the
window. He likes to lay in the sunbeam streaming through the window, warming him as he has
his afternoon nap. Walter is also good company and likes to curl up with you on the couch
or at bedtime. He will greet people at the door and is interested in all you do. Walter is ready
to be adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him
safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979