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The winter months are hard for any of us, but especially for those who do not have a home. In a
very small village off a main road, there is a house where stray cats often take refuge. The
house has an exterior covered window well with a heat lamp and dry bedding inside. The
window is at the side of the house looking into the shop in the basement. The cats, mostly feral
but some friendly, are fed three times a day at the back door. Win arrived on her own one
winter day, from no one knows where. The people who lived in the house could tell she was
tame and friendly, as she would come to them for pets as well as food. While other cats would
come and go, Win stayed. The couple felt that she deserved to live a life safely in a home and
soon called Pet Patrol. She is named Win because she was found in the window well.


Win has proven to be a lovely and affectionate little cat. She is very happy to be inside, safe
and sound, warm and not battling the ever changing winter weather. She is still discovering
toys as all she had before was dried fall leaves, pebbles and watching butterflies. This was
before the cold autumn weather came and eventually rain, snow and wind. She is happy to be
out and about in the playroom of the sanctuary, watching the traffic and world outside from the
warmth of the windowsill. Win is fine with being picked up and cuddled and carried around.
She will be a nice addition to a gentle home. Win is ready to be adopted into her forever
home. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979