Zayne – sick

Zayne – sick

Zayne – sick

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A text message was sent to one of our volunteers, who helps with the intake of cats for Pet
Patrol to take care of, about this boy Zayne. He was found in a very small village, about 10
minute drive from the city with another cat and her kittens. He had been hanging around for a
while and the people there were really enjoying his company. The summer weather was great
if you were a cat, practically no rain, constant warm nights, endless food and fresh water. Then
one day he showed up badly injured. This is what happens when cats are left to their own
devices – they become prey. There appeared to be an abscess on his front foot and he had
three deep puncture wounds on his side. Was it a hawk, coyote or fox? We may never know
but he was very sensitive to touch and was now not wanting people to pet him until he realized
they would only touch his head. Zayne was brought into Pet Patrol care and then onto the vet
immediately where his wounds were treated and he was given pain mediation and antibiotics.
Once healed Zayne was able to be himself and show his friendly and intelligent side.


Cats who have had to live by their wits on the street are very smart and can figure things out
quickly, Zayne is that cat and he enjoys interactive toys with his person and has been known to
open cupboard doors to sleep in the linen or find the treat bag. He is not quite a pick up and
cuddle type of kitty yet, but that will come with time and patience in his new home. He will jump
up onto the couch, bed or ledge for you, especially if treats or canned foods are involved, and
he does enjoy being pet and and given attention. It is preferred that Zayne go to an adult only
home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979