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It was with a heavy heart that Dipper needed to be rehomed. She had been adopted as a
kitten from one of the city shelters with her sister. At her new home she joined another cat and
later on an older kitty was adopted as well. With a house of four cats, everything was going
along smoothly until about a year ago. Then all of a sudden Dipper was not happy being there
and not happy with the other cats. It was obvious by her dislike for them, that she prefer to be
an only cat, although she was wonderful with her people. It was time for her to find a new
home and it took the family a long time to come to that decision after trying many things to help
the cats integrate properly. Dipper is now in the care of Pet Patrol , in a foster home, where
she is thriving and showing her wonderful personality


Dipper was named from a character on a TV show. She is described as a loving and cuddly
cat, who likes making biscuits with her little feet around your neck and purring into your ear.
She will head butt you and ask for cuddles and is chatty at food time. She is time fed because
they found she would quickly gain weight if allowed to free feed. Her owners were very conscientious about her needs, and wanting her to be happy and healthy. She has a high prey drive
in regards to her toys and she loves scratching the cat tree and will leave your furniture alone
as long as her scratching post is tall and sturdy. She is quite cute when she lays on the floor
like a monorail cat with her back legs behind her and her front feet sticking out in front. Window watching often leads to an afternoon nap on the sunny window ledge. Dipper also likes to
lay in sinks and play with running water. Quite adorable. This pretty kitty is ready to be adopted
into her forever home preferably one as an only cat. One that will welcome her into the family
and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979