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Pet Patrol received a call from a woman whose sister needed to rehome her cat. The
sister’s family wanted her to have company, so they answered a social media ad from
someone giving away kittens and got Borgee. While the family meant well, they did not
understand that their elderly relative would not be able to look after a cat. She did not have
him neutered, and could only afford to feed him inexpensive grocery store cat food. Borgee,
now seven months old, is a very nice cat. Although he is a bit uncertain with all the
changes in his life, especially being around other cats, he has settled well into the sanctuary. He is not yet used to hearing English, so it sounds new to him, but he is friendly
and affectionate and will come when called. He is comfortable with new people visiting,
and will sit on your lap. He loves playing with toys, especially wand toys and squeaky mice.


Borgee is a friendly and affectionate cat. He is quite playful and active, loves his toys,
catnip mice particularly, and interactive toys with his people like the wand toy. He seems
ok with other cats, just one would suite him, that would be a buddy and as outgoing as he
is. This handsome boy likes his people and is quite cuddly and affectionate, easy going
and readily greets you and new people at the door. He likes to share the computer desk
with you and your pillow at bedtime as well. Borgee is ready to be adopted into his forever
home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979