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Pet Patrol received an urgent call from a woman who has rescued cats in her area before and
has done her best to make sure they were safe. She can house them temporarily, then she
places them with other rescues or finds new homes for them. She had become aware of a
young woman who was living on her own and pregnant. Family and Children Services had
insisted that this young woman’s many cats and two large dogs be rehomed. The woman who
called Pet Patrol took in sixteen cats, but there were still nine left in the apartment, as well as
two dogs who were large and aggressive. The rescue went well, as the young woman who
owned the cats helped by placing the cats into carriers. Pet Patrol was able to help with three
little orange teenage cats (Nevaeh being one of them), a mama cat who was almost blind due
to an eye infection, her two kittens and two very pregnant cats about to give birth. Proper
authorities and other cat rescues have been called to make sure the remaining cats and the
dogs will be looked after and removed from their dismal living conditions..


Nevaeh, like the other six cats that came from the same over populated home, is friendly,
affectionate, cuddly and loving. She is happy to be picked up and carried in your arm, cradled
and in return will give you kitty kisses and sweet purrs. She is active and playful, and would do
best in a home that can keep up with her energy. Anything is fair game to be played with, shoe
laces, hoodie ties, things that roll, bounce or have catnip in them. She loves the kitty tunnel
and is often in there wrestling with a sibling or other playmate, snoozing or dashing through it
during the daily Indy 500 race through the playroom. Nevaeh seeks out other cats or people
for entertainment, grooming and comfort. Nevaeh is a wonderful little cat ready to be adopted
into her forever home. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979