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Pawni’s mom, Priya, came into Pet Patrol care through a woman who used to rescue cats
years ago. A friend of hers has been taking care of neighbourhood cats that were abandoned
when their barn was torn down. They had no place to go, but crossed the field and street and
ended up in the friend’s garage. Fortunately the people took on the responsibility of feeding
the homeless cats, but unfortunately, the house is cluttered and there are a lot of thiings stored
or piled up. The garage is much the same, dirty and an assortment of bins, shop tools, bags of
stuff and keepsakes. It is open all the time so that stray cats can come in to seek shelter.
Sometimes the cats are allowed in the house, but they would have to be friendly. Inregards to
Priya, they took her in from “somewhere” and were quite vague about her origins. She was
heavily pregnant at the time (with Pichu, Pachi and Pawnie) and the friend decided that it
would be better for the kittens to be born in a more controlled environment. Soon she was on
her way to Pet Patrol and within days had her kittens. All have done well in our care.


Pawni is a sweet kitten who loves to explore! He loves to chase his brothers and will have
wild games of tag, running around the house. He is content to be carried around, often being
cradled by the children in the foster home. He is curious about all toys, and especially loves
dashing around homemade cardboard box tunnels. When he is tired of playing, he will curl up
in a cute bundle of fluff and purr. He would make a fantastic pet. Pawni is ready to be adopted
into his forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979