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LeRoy’s story, as told by his rescuer: When I first saw LeRoy, he was living outside in a horse
and buggy shelter. He was very feral and wanted no part of me. I provided a large styrofoam
box with straw as a dry, warm place for him to sleep. He gradually started coming closer to
me, and then started waiting for me when I arrived to feed him. He surprised me by winding
around my legs and rolling over for a belly rub one day. I tried trapping him many times but he
was having none of it. One day after a big storm, he disappeared. When I saw him again, he
wasn’t trusting any more. Something made him fearful for a while. In November, the property
owner needed to take the horse and buggy shelter away. They left his styrofoam cat house
sitting on top of a snowbank. I checked back often and went to other known feeding stations,
but never saw LeRoy after that. Finally, two months later, a man said he had rescued this boy
and wondered if he belong to anyone. I think Leroy knew he better get help and he was done
with fending for himself in the winter. He’s a good boy, he just gets worried sometimes.


LeRoy was soon in Pet Patrol care and upon examination we could see that living outside for
that long was not kind on his body. He is just a little cat and winters are brutal on kitties. He
had some health concerns, especially his teeth and after dental surgery is feeling much better
now. He can be quite goofy, rolling over onto his back exposing his belly, feet up in the air and
looking at you upside down. He likes his belly rubbed, smiles at you happily and purrs deeply.
LeRoy is so happy to be indoors, safe, loved and nurtured. He has thrived and is now ready to
be adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him
safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979