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Pet Patrol received a message from a woman who was trying to help out her grandmother.
Apparently there had been a pretty brown tabby cat in the neighborhood, shy and looking
very thin. The grandmother had started feeding the little cat, now named Amory, and then
set up an insulated cat house for her on the front porch. Low and behold one day the
woman came out her front door only to hear the tiny mews of kittens, and there she found
Amory in the cat house with her newborn litter of kittens (Albeni being one of them). Amory
by now was trusting the woman for providing her with a safe haven and plenty of food for
survival and allowed herself to be pet while eating. But this was no place to raise babies,
they all needed to be brought indoors and have a future with loving families. The grandmother
was successful in getting this momma cat into a carrier and have her brought into
Pet Patrol care where this feline family has thrived..


Albeni is the big brother to them all. He helped to show his siblings that the kibble was
good, and they should try it. Albeni likes to grab the ribbon on the tunnel and drag it all
around the room, even if someone is in it. He enjoys chasing his siblings through the cat
trees, tunnels, and the rocket. He is full of energy and acrobatics that are comical to watch
and entertaining. He loves napping and playing with his little brother Andes. They make
quite a team. Albeni is ready to be adopted into his forever home with his buddy and
brother Andes. One that will welcome them into the family and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979