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We don’t think Austin had a very stimulating life before his rescue, he was safe, indoors
and fed, but it was very low quality food in a very limited income home. We received a call
on a Friday from a man saying that he was moving on Sunday and he “knew that he had
left it too long, but he needed to find a place for his two cats”. In speaking with him we
suggested alternative shelters as we were at capacity with kittens, and he said he would
phone them. Not hearing back we felt that the situation had been taken care of. However
the following Wednesday we received a phone call from a superintendent who said that
their tenant had moved out without notice and left their two cats behind. It wasn’t until they
arrived in Pet Patrol, that we realize we were dealing with the same person. Austin and his
buddy were found in the empty apartment, cowering in a closet, no food, no water, no litter
box, and the sliding door was shut. They were beside themselves. After a few days in their
foster home, they really came out of their shells and showed their personalities. They are
not necessarily bonded, so we are seeking out a good home for Austin at this time.


From his foster mom: “Austin is a very sweet and handsome gentleman who loves to be
social and affectionate to get his pets. He is a great companion and is always wanting to
be where the people are, interested in what you do and the activities in the household. He
is a little shy to new sounds and new people, but his curiosity and love for attention always
wins him over” Austin is ready to be adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome
him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979