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Jiffypop and her siblings were found mid morning on a damp day after a particularly cold
spring night. The ground was wet and they had absolutely no shelter. A couple were out for a
nice morning walk when the husband thought he saw something white at the base of a tree.
Was it a mushroom? Was it trash? But then it moved. The couple left the deserted road,
made their way through the ditch and up the grass embankment to the line of trees. There they
found four little white kittens, their eyes glued shut from infections, aimlessly stumbling around
on the cold wet ground. Such a sad and pitiful sight. These poor kittens were left there with a
paper plate with remnants of food on it and an over turned water bowl. That’s it. So sad.
Quickly all the kittens were picked up and tucked into their jackets and taken to the car. Once
in their home they gentle cleaned their eyes and fed them, then headed to Pet Patrol. All four
kittens have responded to their medical care and are now ready for their next journey with
loving families


Jiffypop’s name suits her perfectly. She is bright and alert and just wants to be with her people,
curled up on the couch with a good movie. She is very playful and gives her toys and
playmates a run for their money. Games of Hide and Seek and Tag are a daily ritual, and she
loves the bouncy balls and the catnip furry mice. When it’s sleepy time she will look for you to
give kisses and she will give you little head butts in return. Jiffypop is a sweet little cat that is
ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome her into the family and
keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979