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Wintertime is a hard for any of us, but especially for those who do not have shelter, warmth
or someone taking care of us. In a very small village off a main road, there is a house
where stray cats have often take refuge. The couple have lived there for many years and
on the side of the house is an exterior covered window well. The cats tend to migrate to
this shelter and the people have provided it with a heat lamp and dry bedding inside. The
window looks into the man’s work shop in the basement and he takes notice of any new
tenants. The cats, mostly feral but some friendly, are fed three times a day at the back
door. Bin arrived on his own one winter day, from where no one knows. The people could
tell he was tame and friendly, as he would come right up to them for pets as well as food.
While other cats would come and go, Bin stayed. The couple felt that he deserved to live a
life safely in a home and soon called Pet Patrol. He is named Bin because he was found
sleeping in a bin in the window well.


Bin is a handsome and easy going cat who is tall and long in stature. Very majestic. He
takes things in stride amongst all the cats in the sanctuary and watches contently from
perches and comfy beds. We feel he would do well in an adult home that will give him love
and attention, people who are also gentle with him as he is with them. Bin can be a little
unsure in new environments, but within a short period of time he is rubbing up against your
leg looking for pets and will then flop down for a good ol’ belly rub. He is adorable. Bin is
ready to be adopted into a forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and
keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979