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Kayla’s story told by her rescuer: I volunteer for Pet Patrol and live in a small rural village
surrounded by farms so there are a lot of new cats that show up quite frequently. I have set up
a feeding station on my back deck for any cat that wants food and that is how I met Kayla. As
with a lot of the cats that show up, Kayla was nervous and uncertain about being able to trust
me. She had a little tummy on her so figured she was pregnant but couldn’t get close enough
to see for sure. This little cat with the big eyes was very hungry and it wasn’t long before I
could approach her and pet her. Kayla would hiss but then rub against my legs, wanting to
trust but the other humans in her life had let her down, so she wasn’t sure. It didn’t take long after
that for me to feel her belly and know she had nursing babies already, but where were
they? Eventually Kayla, knowing she could trust me now and there was dependable food for
her babies, brought four babies to the feeding station. Everyone was able to get rescued and
brought to Pet Patrol where they are safe & warm!


Kristy is the biggest kitten of the litter and can be a leader when it comes to checking out new
toys and testing them for playability. She is quite fond of the cat tree and looking out the
window, climbing to new heights and testing her agility. Just like the neighborhood watch cat
she wants to know what is happening outside the window and inside the house. She will
come to you for petting and is learning about being a lap cat, we are sure in the future she will
be good company at bedtime. Known as the supervisor she inspects the litter box at cleaning
time to make sure it’s done correctly. Her favorite toys are the laser pointer, balls, toy mice, cat
tree, scratching post and of course wrestling with her siblings. Kristy is ready to be adopted
into her forever home with a sibling or playmate. One that will welcome her into the family and
keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979