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An older couple who live on a country property had contacted Pet Patrol in regards to a female
cat (Kitty Kitty) who showed up on their property. She’s friendly and they don’t get too many
sociable cats out there unless they were dropped off. This means people go off the beaten
track, and find a place to abandon their cat. They think that the cat will have a wonderful life
living in the country. However they are then exposed to the elements, predators and starvation.
Not all farmers will welcome yet another cat and food is often very limited. In the case of Kitty
Kitty, there were two large dogs on the property who chase off all cats. The couple secured a
safe place for this little cat and after being fed by them she introduced her two kittens to them.
The couple drove the almost one hour commute to bring them to the sanctuary. Within a week
they had found Rose, seeming from the same feline family, but not a kitten of Kitty Kitty. She
cried and cried when placed in a cage at the sanctuary until placed with one of her family and
then she settled right in. She is now running and playing with all the other cats in the sanctuary.


Rose is a ballerina cat, meaning that she is long and lean, elegant and agile. She has a
beautiful glossy black coat that shows tabby stripes when she is sitting in the sun. This little
one is very playful and loves to run and play with the other kittens, she chases toys and tails
equally. Rose is very interested in what goes on outside in the yard and watches traffic as
well. She is like a neighborhood watch cat. Cuddling with her people or with the other felines
is common place for her, and you will usually find her in someone’s arms purring happily.
Rose is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that wil welcome her into the family
and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979