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One of Pet Patrol’s long-time volunteers who lives in a small village, noticed that the sensor
light on their porch kept going on and off around midnight one night. The volunteer kept a
feeding station on the porch for stray cats in the area, coming from the surrounding farms and
feed mill. When they looked outside to see what critter was setting the light off, they saw a
small, tabby cat sitting at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the porch. The little cat was
understandably a bit skittish at first, but the volunteer persisted and approached the cat
with food. The cat’s hunger won out over being nervous, and the volunteer was delighted to
find that the cat could be petted and picked up. The volunteer brought the cat, now aptly
named Destiny, inside for the night and then to Pet Patrol the next morning Destiny is a pretty
girl, with grey fur, a fashionable dark, striped tail and the sweetest little white muzzle. She is
still getting used to all the people at Pet Patrol, but she responds to pets and chin scratches
with purrs.


Meet Destiny! She is a beautiful brown tabby with a wonderful personality. She was a bit nervous
and scared when she first arrived at her foster home but within a few days had settled in. She
has discovered that being picked up, pets and scratches are pretty nice! She is your typical
kitten and loves to play, wrestle, chase, play hide-n-seek and tag with the other foster kitten. She
and her foster buddy (Capri) enjoy hiding in the tunnel and jumping out. Destiny is enthralled with
the crinkle ball, feather wand, laser and the turbo. So far, there is not a toy she does not like.
She is good with other cats and would enjoy the company of another cat/kitten who would play
and wrestle with her. She has been around the small dogs in her foster home and with the right
introduction, she will be fine with a passive dog. She will be quiet and shy at first and will need
time to adjust to her new home and people. Destiny is ready to be

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979