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One of our former foster homes gave Pet Patrol a call about some kittens that she had found.
She and her partner had been doing business at a farm property about 30 minutes outside of
the city. When they arrived in the scorching 30+ degrees heat they discovered kittens sitting
numbly on the lawn. They didn’t know what to do or where to go as the sun barrelled down on
them. This was Lambert and his siblings. They all had colds, eye infections (to the point where
one kitten could not see at all because the infection had sealed his eyes shut). And then there
was little Lolli who had an extremely ulcerated eye. The wee babies were stumbling around
and stopping in fear and exhaustion. The volunteer gathered up the kittens and knowing there
were five in total asked if they could take the last one (Lambert). The owner of the property
replied “I don’t want you to take all the kittens!”. Pet Patrol persevered and within a week little
Lambert was in our care. As with his siblings he was treated for any ailments and all have
thrived in our care.


From his foster Mom: Licorice is a very playful, sweet and cuddly boy. He loves to play with
anything that moves, but especially jingly toys! After a round of kitty version of Indy 500, and a
good wrestling match with his siblings, he will curl up with you while you watch tv, or work on
the computer, purring deeply and soaking up all the scritches. Licorice is a great little cat and
looking forward to being adopted into his forever home with a buddy. One that will welcome?
him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979