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Pet Patrol became aware of a colony of abandoned cats at a dilapidated property off the
beaten path. The small white house was a rental and there was a shop/shed there as well. It
was originally a tidy place when first rented to a couple but they suddenly moved out and left
behind a terrible mess. The house inside had trash everywhere and what furnishings were left
behind were not salvageable. Outside the grass/weeds were over grown, repairs had not
been reported and it looked like a dump. The saddest part is their poor cats were just left
behind, Nestle being one of them. No food, no shelter (except in the shed which now was full
of garbage) and left to their own devices to survive. Apparently, this is not the first time the
tenants had suddenly moved from the home they were renting, and each time left their cats
behind. It’s a desperate situation for them. Our volunteer went out and found the cats were very
thin, their fur dry and sparse. One boy was limping, and it took a few days to rescue him. When
they all came into Pet Patrol, they proved themselves to be very friendly and affectionate right
off the bat but they needed time, nutrition and TLC to help them recover.


Described as a very sweet and gentle boy, Nestle will jump up and approach you for petting
and a cuddle. He was quite skittish when he first arrived at the sanctuary and it took a little
while for him to relax and realize that his new world was wonderful, loving and happy that he
was there. He is playful and likes catnip mice and sachets the best. The kitty tunnel is usually
a place for him nap as is a cardboard box with a fuzzy blanket in it. Nestle has transformed
from a skinny cat with a dull coat to a handsome and healthy cat, ready for adoption. He does
well with other passive and affectionate cats so it would be nice for him to have that available
in his forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979