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Little Ilah is a very sweet little cat who came from a 10 acre farm which Pet Patrol has known
about for many, many years. When the present owner moved onto the property they thought
there were about eight or nine barn cats and were willing to look after them. They had planned
on making sure it was a healthy colony, feeding daily and having all the cats spayed or neutered. But once they started feeding the cats they soon realized they had at least 50 felines on
the property – they came out of every corner of the property. Overtime and with the help of
another cat rescue, Pet Patrol was able to have the colony spayed or neutered, kittens and
friendly cats were rescued and adopted. Any cats that proved to be feral were welcome to
continue living on the farm and the man diligently cared for them all these years.


Now fast forward 25 years the man and his wife are still living on the property and rarely do
they give us a call about cats and kittens needing to be rescued. Their healthy colony is under
control. But here is little Ila and her brother Iggy. When they came into our care they were just
nine weeks old and although skinny they were clean, except for mild eye infections. It has
been wonderful to watch them grow and develop into happy healthy kittens, and to play with
regular kitten toys and not pebbles or bugs on the floor. Ila is a lovely little kitten and ready to
be adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her
safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979