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One of our former foster homes gave Pet Patrol a call about some kittens that she had found.
She and her partner had been doing business at a farm property about 30 minutes outside of
the city. When they arrived in the scorching 30+ degrees heat they discovered kittens sitting
numbly on the lawn. They didn’t know what to do or where to go as the sun barrelled down on
them. They all had colds, eye infections (to the point where one kitten could not see at all
because the infection had sealed his eyes shut). The volunteer gathered up the kittens and
knowing there were five made sure she had them all, then discovered there was a new born
litter in the barn. Patrol persevered and over time rescued five adults and eventually the last
litter of kittens when they were just seven weeks of age and before they became ill. All the
adult cats have now been rescued, or if feral spayed/neutered and returned to the farm.


Lilah is a sweet, cuddly and gentle girl. Sometimes she prefers to observe her siblings play
before she joins in and her favorite toys to play with are fuzzy mice but she’s never too rough
with them. This pretty girl gets along well with her siblings and another older foster cat so it
would be nice for her to have a playmate in her new home to keep her company and busy.
Lilah is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome her into the family
and keep her safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979