Mateo & Medina

Mateo & Medina

Mateo & Medina

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Massimo & Mateo’s mom is not the first cat to show up at this particular property, located in a
small village away from the city limits. She, like the other mother cats, came to the feeding
station on the back deck and was happy to have the food and fresh water readily available.
She seemed to be taking refuge under their back deck, but eventually moved to a covered
window well with a heat lamp in it. This is specifically set up for cats in need, during the worst
weather and when they have no place else to go. Marilee had her litter of kittens there as well
(Marissa, Mateo, Massimo and Medina), and from the basement window the couple were
able to keep tabs on her and study her routine. In return Marilee could study them and become comfortable with their voices and movements. Soon after she was rescued and the
kittens easily picked up and placed in a carrier and off to a foster home with Pet Patrol. All
have been thriving in a home with other resident cats and kind children, safely indoors and out
of the elements. .


Medina and Mateo are kindred spirits. They are both very friendly kittens and like to observe what’s going on. Once comfortable they join right in on the shenanigans of sibling
kitten play and these two are the tag team wresting professionals. They can easily be picked
up and will happily lay on your lap for snuggles and purrs. Catching wand toys and chasing
through kitty tents and crinkly sounding tunnels are favourites as they are action packed like
the rest once they understand the game. They are often found, once tuckered out, sleeping in a warm sunbeam together. These handsome kitties are ready to be adopted into their
forever home. One that will welcome them into the family and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979