It’s very unfortunate when someone passes away unexpectedly, and this is the case for
Tommy’s owner. A neighbour had been visiting with the man on the weekend and all was fine.
Two days later he realized that he hadn’t seen or heard from him and decided to go in and
check. There he found his friend still in bed but he had passed away peacefully. Poor Tommy
did not know what hit him. No one stepped forward to take in this nice boy, so after a few days
the man’s friends contacted Pet Patrol.
As his story unfolded over time, we discovered that Tommy is a pure bred Rag doll originally
from Germany and was used as a stud cat. When he arrived in Canada, the change was a lot
for him and he became reclusive and went off his food. Vet care was required to boost him
up, and he was fine after that. The breeder retired Tommy when he was six years old, and he
went to live with the man and again the same thing happened and he went off his food. He
does not adjust to change well, but when he finally does, he is a wonderful loving cat.
As each week/month went by Tommy began to feel more comfortable and confident in his
foster home. He comes for petting and rolls over for tummy rubs, and bunts his head into your
leg or arm for attention. He even comes when called – if they are settling in to watch TV. Definitely likes his routines. He lies beside you (never on you), so that’s his style. He sleeps on the
foot of the bed and strolls up to check you out a couple of times each night. Still runs if he is
choosing not to be petted, but he also turns that into what appears to be a bit of a game of
friendly chase. The difference is when he chooses to go around & around the doors, sneaking
up behind me, vs. dashing away.