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One of the dependable vet clinics that Pet Patrol uses gave us a call one afternoon about Coco.
Apparently her original owners had taken her to the Humane Society to surrender because she
was injured. Coco had been allowed to go outside every day, without her people watching her
and one evening she didn’t come when called. As night closed in the woman was quite concerned and tried to find her but to no avail. In the morning she checked the outdoor camera and
saw Coco coming into the yard in the dead of night and was limping. Finding her soon afterwards she realized the her back leg was badly broken and Coco was in a lot of pain. The family
didn’t feel they could afford to give her the medical care needed. Therefore they tried to surrender her, but the city shelter was full. Approaching the vet they paid for the appointment and xray
and it proved Coco’s leg was severely broken. They could not afford the
amputation necessary and the vet thought we could take her into our care. Coco recovered
beautifully from her surgery.


Coco can be a bit shy at first but once she is comfortable and gets to know you, she won’t stop
charming you for attention and chin scratches. She has a very laid back personality and likes to
sleep on your bed for nap time and over night, occasionally she gets the zoomies and plays with
her toys and shows her funny goofball personality. This pretty girl feels she must always accompany you to new rooms to keep you safe and ask for more attention. In the past she has been the
only cat in the house and probably prefers that since shes not a fan of other adult cats but she did
not mind a female kitten in her foster home. Coco is ready to be adopted into her forever home.
One that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979