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Little Stanley’s life would be very different right now if his momma, Sweetie, had not been
rescued. Here is the story of his rescue: Like many cats who find themselves abandoned and
left to fend for themselves, they are not neutered or spayed. The females become pregnant
quickly as male cats can smell a female in heat on the wind, and can travel up to five miles in
one day to find her. Now she is pregnant, homeless and without good constant food to feed
herself and her developing kittens. This was the case of Sweetie, she traveled from farm to
farm looking for help, asking politely and being pushed away. Finally someone took notice of
this nice girl and called around to local cat rescues. Most were full but in the meantime, before
coming to Pet Patrol, she was inside and safe, and this is where she had her six little babies,
Stanley included. All have thrived in our care.


Stanley is the biggest kitten of his litter and the most unique in his colouring. He was born
mostly all white and then pretty light brown spots have shown up since! He has beautiful light
light blue eyes as well that charm everyone. He is very playful and like a little feline football
player he tackles his siblings, sometimes to their displeasure, sometimes it starts a wonderful
wrestling match. He is always on the move and would do well in a home with another playmate to keep him busy. Stanley is ready to be adopted into his forever home. One that will
welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979