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Lennox and his brother Levi, with two other siblings had a long drive to get to Pet Patrol They
came from up north, about an hours’ drive away at least. A woman up in that area, who has
since retired from rescuing cats, was notified about a certain farm where the cats were not
welcomed. The issue was that a female cat had wandered onto the property and had a litter
of kittens. The farm owner knew that they would multiply and he was just not having it. when
kittens were born and started running around he threatened to shoot them. This set off an
urgent need to rescued them, and one neighbour took it upon herself to find a place that could
help. The entire feline family was rescued and not having too many resources in that area, the
kittens came to us. The woman made sure the mother cat was spayed and a happy home
found for her.


Lennox is a beautiful champagne bundle of energy. All sorts of toys are great fun for Lennox, but
soft balls or toy mice that he can carry in his mouth are his favourite. Lennox is very curious
and will explore every nook and cranny, but loud or unexpected noises startle him. He loves
attention and enjoys belly rubs and chin scratches, but his purr machine volume is broken, so
you need to have your ear against him to hear it. Lennox follows his people around the house,
whether they are working in the kitchen or on the computer. If it will get him more attention, he
will climb onto your desk and will sit on your papers or on your computer. Lennox makes a
game of hiding beside the stairs so he can jump up and surprise you as you walk by. He has
quite the high jump and loves conquering new heights and surfaces. He doesn’t always stick to
the landing, but that doesn’t deter him. He simply runs away, shakes it off and tries again at
another time. Lennox is ready to be adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him
into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979