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Graham and his brother were born and raised indoors with young children, large and small
dogs, and their mama and auntie cat. The couple’s friend owns a country property which was
overpopulated with cats. They put the word out, asking people to take in some of their cats and
this family happily took in two females. Unbeknownst to them one of the cats was pregnant and
soon afterwards a litter of five kittens was born, Graham being one of them. They really
enjoyed raising the kittens and once they reached the age of being weaned, the couple
advertised the kittens for adoption. The three female kittens were placed with people who have
a reputation for keeping their cats indoors and making sure they are spayed and receive
regular vet care. However, they struggled to find homes for Graham and his brother. With a
busy household including other pets, three children under five and the Christmas season, it
was rather chaotic. The couple was quite happy to hear from Pet Patrol and soon the two
young and active little cats were in our care


Graham is a chatterbox. His meows and mirps indicate that he needs to be picked up and
snuggled, for which he will reward you with purrs. He has gotten used to his foster mom talking
to him in the morning while she’s getting breakfast ready, and who wouldn’t want that sweet
face to talk to? Graham has developed a very cute habit of hiding his face under his foster
sister’s tummy for warmth, so he would be good with other cats. His favourite toy is the wand
and he loves to demonstrate his excellent jumping and leaping skills, even though he doesn’t
always stick the landing. Graham is looking for a forever home with lots of love and snuggles to
give. He will be your buddy, loving your company and giving you lots to talk about together! He
needs a home that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979