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One of Pet Patrol’s volunteers mentioned a situation on a friend’s country property. The
woman’s husband had recently passed away and she was trying to take care of the property herself. Her family members were concerned for her and were hoping she would
consider moving closer to them, about 45 minutes away. But in many cases, our homes
are not sale-ready immediately, they need some TLC, perhaps fresh paint, repairs and
personal belongings need to be sorted. One of her concerns was the number of cats she
was looking after in the barn. They were friendly, we were told, but also that there were
about 12 or 15 of them. Yikes! The first thing that we asked for was photos of the cats
individually, with their age, colour, male or female and temperament. We were delighted to
see that eight of the cats were babies, but sad to see that they were living in an open box
on the porch. They were not allowed indoors and they would not go to the barn. Ace and
his siblings and cousins came into our care on a cold, wet and windy day. They were a
little worse for wear but have overcome everything and are happy and healthy babies now.


Audrey shares many of Amber’s love for snuggles on laps. Being such pretty girls, they
also both appreciate their kitty-spa time with a brush: there’s nothing like looking your best!
Audrey makes herself at home wherever her people are, finding convenient spots to nap
close to them. One of Audrey’s favourite games is hide and seek, and boxes, no matter the
size, make excellent hiding spots! After all the toys have been inspected and tossed
around, she will climb into a cat bed with her siblings and dream about the next day’s
adventures. This pretty girl is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that will
welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979