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Archie first appeared at a small town feeding station for feral cats at the end of the summer. At first, it was believed he was feral because he would run away when anyone approached him, and he only seemed to come at night when it was quieter. When the people
who took care of the feeding station didn’t see him for a few months, they thought that he
had maybe found his way home. But in January, when the weather was full winter, Archie
showed up again – but this time, he was looking a little worse for wear. His eyes were dim
and he was limping with an injury to one back leg. The kind people managed to get
Archie in a humane trap and brought him inside where it was warm. To their surprise,
Archie settled right in! He devoured the wet food they offered him, and within ten minutes,
this charming, ginger boy had found a lap and was getting cuddles! Outside life had not
been kind to Archie: his fur was matted and dirty, his tail was covered in engine oil, his leg
was bleeding, he had a cold and his left eye was cloudy. Poor boy.


Archie showed his affectionate side very quickly and has charmed everyone since. He
loves attention, pets and cuddles and his big paws reach out to gently pat your hand, as if
asking for just one more ear scritch. He seems to enjoy watching television, perhaps because that’s when the laps are available and he goes in for the snuggle. He can be chatty
and curious wanting to see where you are, and calling out if he can’t find you. Archie has
shown that he loves people and he is ready to be in a forever home that will give him good
food, adoration and deep love. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him
safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979