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Life has not been good to Praline. She was found living at a Hay and Straw Dealer which
means that they have huge outbuildings that store, massive bundles of hay and straw. This
makes for a great place for cats to find shelter and protection however, it is not an ideal life.
The woman working there had been consistently getting any stray cats rescued. The friendly
ones are re homed and the ferals are fixed and allowed to continue to live there to keep down
the mouse population. Cats like to have jobs. The woman working there was upset one day
because she found four starving kittens with no mom and she figured that something happened to the mother cat but that was Praline, and she eventually showed up. She herself was
very underweight and looked very rough physically. Due to the ordeals she’s had to endure
during her short life she had many injuries. Once in Pet Patrol care all her medical needs were
looked after and she is now a much happier, healthier cat.


Praline is the poster cat for “don’t judge a book by its cover.” Her appearance tells a story of a
life that no longer exists, thank goodness! She is a playful and goofy cat who loves to chase
and pounce on toys, especially stuffed mice and little balls with bells. Her foster mom reports
that Praline is the sweetest cat she has had and is very affectionate. She loves to sit on her
person’s lap or curl up beside them on the couch, and she likes to perch in a comfy spot to
watch the goings on around her. Praline loves attention, enjoys being pet and takes special
delight in having her nose and head scratched. This now recovered and healthy girl is looking
for her forever home where she can be an only cat and have the attention
of her people all to herself, one that will welcome her into their family and
keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979