Lilo & Lark

Lilo & Lark

Lilo & Lark

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A woman call Pet Patrol in regards to kittens that were born on her property. She said they
have a one hundred acre farm and it’s well off the road. All of a sudden three female cats
showed up and then an orange tom came. “We started to feed them as we would not let
any animal go hungry, but soon it was quite apparent that they were all pregnant. Their
bellies expanded with the good nutrition.” All the kittens came into Pet Patrol care and the
adults were spayed or neutered to control the over population. Lilo and his sister Lark
were adopted into a family with children and other Pet Patrol cats. Fast forward a year or
so and the woman contacted us about returning all the cats. It seems that things in her
personal like had changed dramatically and she needed to move closer to family on the
coast. The cats could not go with them. Now Lilo and Lark, and Max and Molly, are ready
for a stable forever home.


Lilo loves pets and his favorite place to be is in the window observing the outside world
while soaking up the sun and taking long warm naps. He likes playing with toys, especially Pom poms. Being a pretty smart boy he will meow when he decides he needs
attention and affection. Lark is a pretty torti girl who is very playful and enjoys a good
romp with her brother Lilo. She likes to curl up in a cozy bed, enjoys pets and being
close to you, cuddling and falling asleep on your lap. She finds secret dark hiding spots
to have a short nap in and afterwards she will come and visit you to see what’s happening and to get a snack. Lark would do well in a home with her brother Lilo or other friendly
cats that will cuddle her, play and be accepting of her. Both Lilo and Lark are ready to be
adopted into their forever home. One that will welcome them into the family and keep
them safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979