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Max was part of Pet Patrol when he was just a young kitten. He was a rescue as most of
them are, brought in from a country property and thrived with good nutrition, a comfortable
environment and lots of love. He was adopted into a family who were experienced with
cats having owned a few before. A few months before they adopted Molly and the two
make a cute couple. About a year or so ago the family was moving to a much larger home,
a country property and wanted to welcome another bonded pair and so Lilo and Lark were
adopted. Fast forward to this spring and the woman called Pet Patrol distraught. Her life
had dramatically changed and she needed to move closer to family on the coast. The cats
would not be able to join them. Now in our care again, Max is happy and very loving.


Max is a pretty awesome boy. He will come to you for attention and love, is easy to pick up
and carry and purrs deeply when pet. While at the sanctuary he has shown his expertise
at the desk by not walking across the keyboard, avoiding it actually, and flopping down like
a furry paperweight on your books to keep you company. He has integrated in well with the
other cats and readily made himself at home. Max is a great addition to any home. It
would be nice for him to be adopted into his forever home with Molly, but not necessary.
One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979